
Wednesday, 7 July 2021

End of Term 2!

Welcome Blogger's!

This Term  I have been learning  about koru and more about the Maori culture
like Matariki.  I have also been looking and trying new parts of handwriting and very factual reading it has been very tough.  

I have been playing basketball this year and Dan is our school's basketball team coach also Hendricks dad.
We have won a few games and lost a few games.  Our first game that we won was to a year 5 girl team the score was 39-18 it was a big win we were so happy.

The thing I liked the most this  term was Reading. It has been getting really       
challenging it has been getting to the point where I  have to make my own workbook, if you don't
know what a workbook  it is  a place where you work in.

Blog you later!